A Family Medicine Practice Located
in North Phoenix Near North
Scottsdale and Paradise Valley
Note: if you are on a managed care plan with a specified PCP on your card, please call your insurance company to switch your PCP to us before your visit
Almost all commercial and Medicare advantage
Banner Aetna
Meritain Health
Aetna Medicare Prime (HMO)
Aetna Medicare Platinum (HMO and PPO)
Aetna Medicare Freedom (PPO)
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Almost all commercial and Medicare advantage
Medica (Only plans affiliated with BCBS. Does not include general Medica Plans)
Gilspar (Only plans affiliated with BCBS)
Blue Alliance
Blue Journey (PPO)
Blue Advantage- Classic/Plus (HMO)
BluePathway Plan 2 & 3 (HMO)
NOT PimaConnect
NOT MaricopaFocus
Open Access Plus, Choicefund OA Plus
Phoenix IPA HMO
Choice Fund PPO
Local Plus
Preferred Medicare HMO
Preferred Savings Medicare HMO
Achieve Medicare HMO
NOT Cigna Med Group (Group No. 3205496). Network Savings Plan
Devoted Health Medicare Advantage
Devoted Select
Devoted Choice
Devoted Liberty
Devoted Core
Devoted Health BeWell (HMO C-SNP)
Devoted Health BeWell Plus (HMO C-SNP)
EMI Health
Golden Rule
HonorHealth Employee Plan
National EPO
Humana Preferred PPO
Humana/ChoiceCare Network PPO
Humana/ChoiceCare+ Network PPO
National POS - OpenAccess
HumanaPreferred POS-OpenAccess
HMO Premier
National POS - OpenAccess Plus
HumanaChoice H5216-034 (PPO)
HumanaChoice H5216-137 (PPO)
Humana Value Plus H5216-197 (PPO)
Humana USAA Honor (PPO)
HumanaChoice H5216-224 (PPO)
HumanaChoice H5216-263 (PPO)
HumanaChoice H5216-265 (PPO)
HumanaChoice H5216-335 (PPO)
Humana USAA Honor with Rx (PPO)
HumanaChoice H5216-371 (PPO)
HumanaChoice R7220-001 (Regional PPO)
HumanaChoice R7220-002 (Regional PPO)
Humana Gold Plus H0028-021 (HMO)
Humana Gold Plus H0028-023 (HMO)
Humana Gold Plus H0028-024 (HMO)
Humana Gold Plus H0028-027 (HMO)
Humana Gold Plus H0028-028 (HMO)
Humana Gold Plus H0028-052 (HMO)
Humana Gold Plus H0028-062 (HMO)
Oscar Health
Individual and Family Plan (Marketplace)
United Healthcare
Most commercial and Medicare Advantage
All Optum (Payer ID= LIFE1)
AARP Medicare Advantage Plan 1 (HMO)
AARP Medicare Advantage Plan 3 (HMO)
AARP Medicare Advantage Plan 4 (HMO)
Individual and Family Exchange Marketplace Plans (Bronze, Silver, Gold)
NOT Compass HMO
NOT UHC Community Plan
NOT Banner Health Network
NOT UHC-Silver Plus Medicare Advantage
United Medical Resources (UMR)
*We DO NOT accept AHCCCS*
NOT American Indian Health
NOT AZ Complete Care Plan
NOT Banner University Family Care
NOT Dual Complete
NOT Healthchoice Pathways
NOT Mercycare
NOT Molina
NOT Healthchoice
NOT United Healthcare Community Plan